Doug Suisman
FAIA, Principal, Suisman Urban Design

Doug Suisman FAIA is an internationally recognized, award-winning urban designer and architect. He founded Suisman Urban Design in 1990 to create city places by integrating architecture, research, landscape, and environmental graphics. His projects include transit systems, cultural districts, university campuses, civic centers, plazas, parks, and streetscapes. He is currently the lead designer on the Great Streets project for Burlington, Vermont. His iQuilt cultural district plan for downtown Hartford has won an AIA Honor Award and two major grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. He recently completed renovations of two Los Angeles landmarks: Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade and the La Brea Tar Pits and Museum. Mr. Suisman, in partnership with RAND Corporation, designed The Arc, an acclaimed plan for a Palestinian state which won the top master plan award and Future Project of the Year award at the 2010 World Architecture Festival. His classic monograph, Los Angeles Boulevard, was republished in 2014 in a 25th Anniversary edition. Mr. Suisman, a graduate of Yale (B.A.) and Columbia (M.Arch), is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and a National Peer in urban design for the General Service Administration of the U.S. Government.